123 Action Media

123 Action Media helps businesses Acquire new clients, build their brand and reputation, and increase sales through a simple and effective advertising strategy that encompasses Direct Mail, Social Media, Website Visitor Targeting, Email and Web Services. We like to call it…


How do new clients find your business? Maybe its word of mouth, referrals, saw your sign, a general internet search on the services you provide. The truth is, consumers want choices when they make purchasing decisions, but there is so much clutter for someone who doesn’t know you.


Once you are known to a consumer, how do you interact with them on a more personal level? Do you send thank you notes, do you have a rewards program, do you have a referral program, do you have a facebook page they can like? Maybe all of the above?


The most valuable resource you can provide your prospects and clients is information. In the current digital age, the standard is immediate responses, instant answers, and free information. How are you providing information to your clients and prospects?

It Starts with Acquisition.

Direct Mail is still at the top of the pyramid when it comes to introducing your brand to a new client. From baby boomers to millennials, direct mail is the preferred method to get advertising when someone has not used your services before.

In order to be successful in targeting prospects, it is important to know who you are, and who your ideal client is.

  • Who is your ideal customer?
  • What do they buy?
  • When do they buy?
  • Where do they live?
  • Why do they buy from you?
  • How often do they buy?
  • How long does a customer stay with you?
  • How much does a NEW CUSTOMER spend annually
  • What is the referral power of each new customer?

Most businesses lose an average of


of their customer base
each year.

Acquisition has to be part of an on-going strategy.

Direct Mail Options

Shared Mail Solutions

Shared Mail Solutions

We represent Shared Mail Solutions by Money Mailer®, Valpak®, SAVE®, Mspark®, and more:

  • Target more homes for your ad spend
  • Great for multiple touches
  • Target by geography and buying habits
  • Stay relevant in the community
  • Measurable results and return on investment

Solo Mail Solutions

Solo Mail Solutions

We offer highly-targeted Solo Mailers dedicated to your business only: 

  • Postcards, Self-Mailers, and Envelope Mailings
  • Generate an instant impact – seasonal / event / opening
  • Target precise areas, demographics or business types
  • Introduction to a new business, product,  or service
  • Measurable results and return on investment

Are You Inspiring Your Audience?

Did you know that over 80% of business Facebook pages are inconsistently managed through content, responses and postings? What if you could inspire your clients and prospects alike through a highly-targeted Facebook ad campaign coordinated with your direct mail campaign? This consistent, coordinated approach is what 123 Action Media brings to your business.

Depending on your business and who your clients might be, Social Media may be a very helpful vehicle to drive your advertising message.  At 123 Action Media we focus on the big 4; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube (Don’t forget…Google owns YouTube!).

Our process at 123 Action media of driving attention, and at times using the paid advertising opportunities on some Social Media, allows us to intelligently drive inquiries and traffic.  Posting for posting’s sake is not marketing, its wasting time. Our philosophy invests time and dollars wisely in Social Media.

Social Media Marketing Elements

  • Posting relevant, helpful, targeted information
  • Increasing post exposure
  • Retargeted advertising

Inform Your Audience.

Digital Services… Every good Action Plan includes digital marketing elements that dovetail with with the acquisition and inspiration of every prospective client. Websites for B2B are a little more factual. B2C a little more personal. These websites are supported by email programs that remind ad reiterate company benefits. Good Search Engine Optimization reinforces the search opportunities when a need arises, and positive Reviews can cement a decision to click. At 123 Action Media… we do that, and more!

Performance Built Websites

A quality website provides an online foundation for your business. Often times visitors use a website as “conviction material” providing a prospect who has arrived at to complete research and an impetus to call. 123 Action Media websites are geared to creating opportunities for our clients. Need more calls? We do that. Need online purchases? We do that too. We research your goals, and more importantly the needs and desires of your customers, and demonstrate how you will satisfy those desires. They’ll call, click, email or send a form. Let’s discuss your new website or rebuild!

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SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is that often used acronym that few can hum and fewer know the words to.  We approach search engine optimization with the understanding that we have to feed the search engines like Google, Bing, Yelp and a host of others…what they like to consume… Content, Backlinks, Website tags, Video, Reviews,  and the list goes on. Our SEO programs consider the searcher, the terms and word strings they use, and incorporate that into a strategic customized plan for each of our clients.  And we are excellent at it.  Call 123 Action Media  314.537.2888 to rev up your web results.

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Broadcast Email

Reach your proven clients and prospect groups and create consistent impressions with your marketing message through Broadcast Email

  • Keeps your company and brands top of mind
  • Delivers a consistent message complimenting other advertising elements
  • Position your company as expert with professional tips
  • Make exclusive offers
  • Drive traffic to various parts or landing pages of your website

Broadcast email inexpensively creates the message repetition you need to succeed.  Contact us to view samples.

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Build Positive Reviews

What’s one of the first things you look at after Googling a restaurant recommendation???  The reviews, silly!  We all pay attention to them and reviews are the holy grail when it comes to Google.  They make Google relevant (Yelp and others too), so Google LOVES reviews.  Our Review Trust service helps you deliver more positive reviews of your company and website.  And allows you to respond first to those who may not adorn you with the coveted 5 stars!  Review Trust is a must for all smart marketers.

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Google Pay Per Click Advertising

While not exactly in the Social Media circle, at 123 we also develop and manage Google Pay Per Click (PPC) accounts for all types of businesses including insurance companies, commercial door companies, carpet cleaning companies and a host of others.  We build, monitor and modify these campaigns to create the maximum exposure and prospect opportunities.  Please ask us about Google Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising.   Getting found on Google is an art and a science.

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